5 July 2011 Graceful restart without downtime with node.js I recently started playing with node.js and one thing I like is that it enables (or at least makes e...
17 August 2010 Going to town with annotations Annotations are a very useful feature of the Java language but sometimes an overdose of a good thing...
4 August 2010 My first netbook: Samsung N315 I recently bought my first netbook a Samsung N315, mainly so that I can have a computer with me when...
16 July 2010 wmd-editor: How to retrieve both markdown and html You are using markdown with the wmd-editor in your application, perhaps after having discovered it t...
11 September 2009 Faster development with eclipse and embedded jetty These days I am working on some web applications, which I build with good old ant. Build time is les...
3 September 2009 jurlmap - RESTful URLs for your Java app If you are in the business of writing Web 2.0-ish applications then clean urls are an essential part...